Health and Beauty

Gym equipment
Getting Your Body in Shape
Written by chris poole on June 10, 2022
Last updated on 27 November, 2023
Category: blog, fitness 

Why Not Just Join a Gym?

Gym equipment

There are plenty of reasons why you might want to join a local gym. You may have seen all those shiny exercise machines and good-looking trainers bristling with the kind of muscles you think you will soon have. You may also think the gym could be good place to meet new people and make new friends, and you may be right. Just looking on in admiration at those other members dressed in the flashy and expensive designer gym wear sends a shiver of expectation down your spine….

Wow, you can’t wait to join in and with a newly sculpted body you’ll soon be one of them!

A Reality of Joining a Gym

The odds are that you’ll soon come down to earth. Let’s face it, gym memberships can cost an arm and a leg and having forked out however much the gym charges you may feel obligated to get your money’s worth and go as often as you can. But your initial enthusiasm soon turns to disillusionment, and you start looking for reasons why today you just don’t have time to go to work out. Maybe tomorrow…

The truth is that while many of us may have been highly motivated when starting out in our new gym, especially with that image in our mind of how our body will be transformed to be the envy of others, the reality can often be very different. Workouts can be hard, and soon you’ll be telling yourself “no pain, no gain”. But it huts and you can’t see any real change. That’s because transforming your body take time, normally months of serious exercise and an appropriate diet.

Did you know, for example, that statistically half new members stop going to the gym not long after joining and cancel their membership after just six months with very little to show for it? And cancelling a gym contract is often not as easy as you might think, so read the small print before signing anything.

While the foregoing will not apply to everyone, and some people find success in the gym, for a lot of others the whole exercise can be an expensive waste of money and put them off the idea of getting in shape.

That’s a pity

What are the Advantages of Working Out at Home?

For starters, you are in the comfort of your home where you can concentrate on your exercises. There are plenty of videos for all age groups which provide instructions on how to improve your fitness and health. And in today’s world where everything seems to be rushed dividing your time can be hard and you may welcome not feeling any pressure to get value for money by going to a gym.

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