Health and Beauty

Our Mission

Many people will find themselves overwhelmed by the massive amount of sometimes contradictory information on the internet on all aspects of health. The purpose of this website is to draw on information from authoritative sources to help you focus on issues and health-related and beauty products that may be of interest to you.

What we cover

Various Health Monitors Described Below

Not so long ago, the only way to have many of the more simple health tests done were via your doctor or local health practitioner, and of course each test would cost a varying amount of money. But we’ve come a long way since then with the introduction of all kinds of monitors that are now within the means of most people and, according to the manufacturers, can give you reasonably accurate measurements and readings. These measurements may be enough to give you an early warning of any potentially impending problems, and tell you it's time to see a health professional.

Blood Sugar Monitors

blood sugar monitor

Blood sugar (glucose) monitors are affordable devices that can be of vital assistance to those who have been diagnosed with diabetes, a disease they may have had for many years prior to the diagnosis and which, if uncontrolled, can be life threatening. According to The Centre for Disease Control (CDC), cases of diabetes are increasing relentlessly as each year passes. This is often the result of people consuming more and more highly processed foods which, when combined with a sedentary lifestyle, has led to a shocking increase in obesity among the population of all ages, but particularly the young, which has serious implications for the future of healthcare.

I, myself, have Type-2 Diabetes. I have set out my experience of the ailment since having been diagnosed in 2020 and the actions I have taken to minimise its impact on daily life. These have included lifestyle changes which, to tell you the truth, have not been as hard to adopt as I thought they would be right at the beginning, and I have lost some 30lbs in the process bringing my weight down to 158lbs. 

Blood Oxygen Monitors


Blood oxygen monitors may have been unknown by most people prior to early 2020 but since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic have been an essential indicator of the state of a person's lungs which could provide a life-saving early warning of infection.

Look here why you should consider measuring these levels on a regular basis.

Blood Pressure Monitors

blood pressure monitor

Heart Rate Monitors

Blood pressure monitors provide you information relating to your heart health without having to leave your home. They are said to be not as accurate as devices used by doctors, but they do allow you to monitor your blood pressure levels with a degree of accuracy whenever and wherever you find it convenient.

We have included more information on why you should measure these levels. 

heart rate monitor

There is a variety of devices of heart rate monitors to keep an eye on your pulse. There are recommended pulse levels which vary according to your age and the activity you are performing. For example, when exercising your heart rate will rise according to the level of intensity you apply and seniors must not overdo it.

Uric Acid Monitors

uric acid monitor

Perhaps you are less knowledgeable about the importance keeping informed about your uric acid levels, which you can do at home with the aid of a uric acid monitor. The reason for this is that more and more research is demonstrating that levels outside the norm are quite likely to be the root cause of many ailments, some of which are life threatening.

We expand on the subject of uric acid, and the recommendation to monitor it, here.

Keto Diets and Keto Test Kits

keto monitor

For many people adopting one or other of these keto diets has proved to be beneficial. According to some experts, how such a diet should be followed depends on a number of factors about which we have included more information. This includes what some believe to be possible disadvantages associated with the diet, and others who swear by the positive impact it can have on the body.

Achieving a state of ketosis resulting from a keto diet can take time, so being able to monitor your condition is important. You can do this in several ways, including for example using one of these keto test kits

Pegan Diets

Pegan Foods

This is a relatively new diet created and named by Dr Mark Hyman. It's described in his book The Pegan Diet.  Essentially, it combines a vegan diet with that of a paleo diet to provide the benefits of both. It has gained quite a following and spawned quite a few cookbooks

Carnivore Diets

Various Meats

This is a diet which believes that a return to our ancestral ways of eating will help to reduce the incidence of disease about which there has been a huge increase in recent times.

The belief stems from a growing amount of evidence that our present habit of consuming large amounts of carbs may be responsible for a wide range of ailments such overweight and obesity, themselves a major cause of life-threatening diseases.

Thousands of people claim the carnivore diet has brought them a wide range of benefits. So, it is for you to decide in consultation always with a medical professional whether it may be suitable for your own situation. A read of the literature may a good start, and these carnivore diet books will provide just that.

Vegetarian Diets

Plate Of Vegetables

There are a variety of diets that generally only include plant-based products such as vegetable, fruit, beans, and grains. All kinds of meats, poultry and fish are excluded, but some who follow the vegetarian way of life include eggs and other dairy products. Many of those who have made the transition to a vegetarian diet claim it has brought them many health benefits. One of the reasons for this is that vegetarians tend to have a more healthy lifestyle in general. For instance, most do not smoke or drink alcohol, and they are more active.

Have a look at our small selection of books on the subject if you are interested in adopting such a diet.

Intermittent Fasting

More and more people are reported to have had significant benefits resulting from the practice of intermittent fasting. The idea is that we tend to eat too much and often highly processes foods laden with carbohydrates and sugar. And eating three or more meals each day is believed by a growing number of health professionals to be neither necessary nor harmless especially if a person leads an inactive lifestyle. There are various definitions of what intermittent fasting can mean but basically it about going without food for hours or days to give the body's metabolic system a much-needed rest.

Intermittent fasting is what our ancient ancestors were forced to do and to which the body adapted itself over millions of years. Our present habits, with an overabundance of foods, has led to what experts say is a health crisis of overweight and obesity and as a major cause of ailments such as diabetes and heart disease to name just a few.

Here are some of books on intermittent fasting if you would like to delve deeper into the subject.

Exercise Equipment

Exercise Equipment

Acquiring an item of exercise equipment like the ones we present can involve a significant financial outlay. But they should be seen as a worthwhile investment to keep you in top form when you to follow a suitable program of exercise with dedication, patience, and persistence.

Exercise Videos

Exercise At Home

Of course, you don't need to buy any exercise equipment to improve your fitness at home. You can, instead, rely on instruction provided in convenient videos. If you prefer this route to fitness, we've added a selection of videos which you might find helpful.

Consumer Smart Wearables

Smart Wearables

The advent and continuous development of smart wearables offers a new technology that has grown in popularity worldwide for their ability to provide an exciting and ever-growing number of features that promote a host of health benefits. They are seen by many experts as having a promising future in generating real time data on the health of individuals which may become more relevant in a patient doctor relationship. It may also provide invaluable date to shape and focus government health policies to help ensure the enormous budgets are better spent than they are today. 

We have written more about consumer smart wearables, which you may find of interest.

Weighing and Measuring Scales

Bathroom Scales

Setting goals and targets are an important aspect of weight control, so we provide you with a selection of these devices. Just remember only to weigh yourself, say, once a week. Doing so more often and seeing no definitive change could lead to unnecessary disappointment. Dieting and exercising take time to produce health benefits but rest assured that with patience and diligence those results will come.

Genetically Modified Foods

genetically modified foods

A highly controversial subject with strong arguments for and against the technology. We have written about them and listed some relevant books so you can learn more about their pros and cons and make up your own mind.

Beauty Products

Beauty Creams And Products

Beauty products cover a vast range and here we look at products related to  dealing with acne and associated skin disorders, anti-aging, which is one of the industries major growth areas, as well as hair care, and shampoos and conditioners. You will also find information on the need for sunscreens together with a selection of premium products, as well as face balms and serums.

Articles of interest

My Diabetes Story

A Worrying Discovery I was diagnosed as diabetic a little over 2 years ago. I had been experiencing some numbness in the balls of my feet, that padded part of the sole between the toes […]


The Search of Eternal Youth Time has for ever been the eternal enemy of youth. And who would argue that living a longer and healthier life is an aspiration that grows stronger for most of […]

Genetically Modified Foods

Will they save the world from starvation? Lauded as one of the most important advances in agriculture in recent times and despite being ubiquitous, genetically modified organisms, including foods, are as controversial es ever. According […]

Weight Planning

There has to be a purpose to weight planning Sometimes it goes without saying, but when considering what kind of weight plan is the most suitable you first have to decide what it’s for. It […]

Ketosis and monitoring

What is ketosis? Simply put, when you consume very little or no carbohydrates and focus on fats and protein in a keto diet your body begins to be starved of the glucose it would notmally […]

Monitoring Your Uric Acid Level

A Nation of unaware individuals Many Americans are unaware of how important it is for them to know their uric acid levels and its impact on their health. At the same time, because of their […]

Monitoring Your Heart Rate

Your heart is your body’s engine We all know how vital the heart is for circulating blood around the body in a process that keeps us alive and how much blood it pumps out is […]

Exercise Video Training

Keeping in shape without using equipment You don’t always need either fancy or expensive equipment to do some exercises that go a long way to helping you to keep fit and healthy. Of course, many […]

Monitoring Your Blood Oxygen Level

Why You Should Monitor Blood Oxygen Level Before early 2020 few people beside mountain climbers, divers, and those living at high altitude had any reason to know much about how oxygen levels in the blood […]

Getting Your Body in Shape

Why Not Just Join a Gym? There are plenty of reasons why you might want to join a local gym. You may have seen all those shiny exercise machines and good-looking trainers bristling with the […]

On Food, Overweight, and Obesity

A quick summary Forgive the unintended pun, but this is an enormous problem both for the US and the world the reasons for which have become clearer as the years have passed. And possibly the […]

Consumer Smart Wearables

A Bit of Background It was not so long ago that fitness trackers and smart watches were two distinct devices. Today, they have essentially merged into one along with the appearance of other associated products […]


Few of us can truthfully say they do not love the sweet taste of sugar? It’s not really surprising because you may not have known that this is a reaction hardwired in our brain or […]

Why Monitor Your Blood Pressure

Heart Disease around the World According to the World Health Organization, heart diseases such as coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and rheumatic heart disease cause 17.9 million deaths around the world every year with the […]

Retinol and Hyaluronic Acid

The Dynamic Duo in Many Anti-Aging Products The search for magic formulas that help us to preserve our youthful looks and generally conceal the signs of aging has led to an ever-increasing number of innovations […]

A Healthy Brain

Are we slowly damaging our brain by what we eat? To first help give us some general context we can perhaps refer to the eloquence of Thomas A. Edison who said that “The chief function […]

New and Faster Weight Loss

New weight loss drug treatments are presently (March 2023) all over the news and judging from the latest information it looks as if they will continue to gain traction. But seemingly magical cures have often […]

Caring For Your Hair

A contaminated environment damages your hair – Did you know how much our environment poses a significant threat to the health and vitality of our hair? Just think for a moment of how the air […]

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This website offers the visitor content about health and nutrition and its use signifies your acceptance of the following terms: 

The content of the website denominated is offered on an "as is" basis and no warranties of any kind are made or implied with respect to any of the products or information contained therein.

Anyone interested in following some, part, or any of the information provided, or purchasing any of the products offered therein, does so at their own risk and where appropriate should consider first consulting a health professional.

The authors are not trained in the fields of medicine or nutrition and do not purport to offer medical or nutritional advice of any kind.

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